The amazing duck puppet Cooper

The amazing duck puppet Cooper


This will be a 28 inch puppet to look like the puppet in the picture

with the following updates and additions:

So, the few design modifications have to do with the eyes, bill, fingers, and legs. I see why you were concerned about the eyes now. Those concerns were well founded! Haha. The yellow on the eyes faded over time. I appreciate the effort you put into trying to make them work, though. So, instead of making them all yellow, I was wondering if it would be possible to give him standard white eyes with yellow irises? I see some of your other designs have eyes with colored irises, so if yellow is an option, I thought that would be our best bet.

Second, his bill has a bit of a droopy Elvis lip. Haha. I included a couple of pictures to show you what I mean. This makes him appear to have a constantly open mouth, especially in shots from his right. To compensate for that, I have to overwork my pinky to keep the bill closed, causing my hand to stop functioning entirely pretty quickly. I think the reason that is happening is because that side of the bottom jaw curves down. Is there a way to keep it flat, or curve upward?

Third, and I admit I didn't even consider this, when he's sitting, his pant legs ride up, which is perfectly fine, but it exposes his ankles. Seeing this for the first time made me realize that, as a bird, his legs should be the same color as his feet. Would it be possible to make his legs the same shade of gray as his feet? If possible, it would be really cool to see black rings going around his legs, sort of like Big Bird's legs, just far less pronounced. Don't worry about it if the rings aren't possible.

Lastly, he holds a video game controller in each episode, and I've been using tape to keep his fingers wrapped around them. I looked into some other puppet designs, and I see that some appear to have wire, or something, in them to make them poseable. I included a picture of Cousin Skeeter to show you what I mean. Not like Fozzy where the puppeteer is operating his hands like gloves. I'm just looking to make Cooper's fingers poseable, so I can wrap them around the controller and can, thus, use less tape. Is that something we could do?

The puppet comes with a metal rod and is packed in a fabric bag.

the puppet comes with one set of clothing to be determined .

for the extra clothing we can make a separate listing

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