A Few Puppet Customers
Jeff Dunham presented with an original IceHogs puppet made by Evelinka Puppets (courtesy of BMO Harris Bank Center)
BMO HARRIS BANK CENTER Puppet for Jeff Dunham
We were commissioned by the BMO Harris Bank Center to create an original IceHogs puppet from the team’s logo to present to Jeff Dunham.
Football Coach (now Carolina Panthers) Coach, Matt Rhule by Evelinka Puppets (courtesy of Baylor University Football)
Baylor University Football Puppets for the Coach and the new Recruits
Baylor University Football’s Marketing Team came up with a unique way to announce their new recruits for 2020. They had us create puppets that they would cast as their new recruits and the puppet players to the world on Twitter. The result of their great production and editing skills and our puppets, caused quite a buzz; and for the first time, our puppets were on ESPN and talked about all by sportswriters over the country.